Call for proposals for the appointment of a National DARIAH Coordinator

The Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) is a pan-European infrastructure for Arts and Humanities scholars working with computational methods. It supports digital research as well as the teaching of digital research methods.

In November 2014, it was formally established as a European Research Infrastructure (ERIC).

The mission of the DARIAH ERIC is to enhance and support digitally-enabled research across the humanities and arts. DARIAH ERIC develops, maintains and operates an infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices.

DARIAH ERIC works with research and education communities in order to:

  • Explore and apply ICT-based methods and tools to enable new research questions to be asked and old questions to be posed in new ways.
  • Improve research opportunities and outcomes through linking distributed digital source materials.

Exchange knowledge, expertise, methodologies and practices across domains and disciplines.

The Irish Research Council is inviting now applications for the appointment of a National Coordinator and host institution for the national DARIAH Office. This Coordinator will act as the Council’s agent for the DARIAH –EU ERIC.

DARIAH-EU: Call for appointment of National Coordinator for Ireland

The ‘Call for Proposals for the Appointment of National Coordinator’ below is to instruct applicants in preparing proposals for the role of National Coordinator for Ireland’s participation in DARIAH. This Call is managed by the Irish Research Council. This document remains the property of the Awarding Authority and is issued only to assist in submitting a detailed response to the requirements specified. All queries with respect to the scheme documentation and requests for additional information should be made to Fiona Davis. The deadline for applications is 5pm (Irish time) on 15 April 2016.

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