The first annual conference on Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DPASSH) is now accepting proposals for conference papers. The conference is titled “Shaping our Legacy: Safeguarding our Social and Cultural Record” and invites submissions from academic researchers, students, cultural heritage institutions, and other preservation organizations. The submissions can be presented in a variety of formats, and may reflect on any areas relating to digital preservation in the humanities, social sciences, arts and cultural heritage sectors.
The conference, hosted by the Digital Repository of Ireland, will take place on 25th and 26th June 2015 at Croke Park in Dublin. In additional to the peer-reviewed papers collected from the open call, the conference will also offer keynote speakers, expert panels and networking.
The deadline for submissions is 26th January 2015. A full list of guidelines and instructions for submission, as well as other key dates, are available on the DPASSH 2015 website.