All Panels, Workshops and Keynote will take place in the Digital Humanities Active Learning Space (4th floor, Food Science Building)
Day 1, 21st June 2018
9.30-10.15. Welcome and Registration: Tea/Coffee
10.15: Conference Opening: Fiona Chambers (School of Education), Orla Murphy (Digital Humanities; DARIAH Ireland National Co-Ordinator)
10.30-11.45: Panel 1: Fake News, Digital Literacy, Critical Literacy
Chair: Miranda Corcoran (UCC)
Speaker: Virginia Conrick (UCC)
Paper: “Fake News and Digital Literacy: Do we value the truth?”
Speaker: Gertrude Cotter (UCC)
Paper: “Digital Humanities and Social Justice Activism, A Higher Education Pedagogy We Need to Think About”
Tea/Coffee 11.45-12.15
12.15-1.45: Workshop
Facilitator: Briony Supple (UCC)
Title: Get some perspective: Utilising real and virtual gallery spaces in SoTL to develop critical thinking and digital literacy.
1.45-2.30: Lunch
2.30-3.30. Panel 2: Transdisciplinarity and Outreach
Chair: Donna Alexander (UCC)
Speaker: Vicky Garnett (TCD)
Paper: “Embedding PARTHENOS Training Materials in Digital Humanities courses across Europe”
Speaker: Mike Cosgrave (UCC)
Paper: “Personal Research Ecologies; Inter and Transdisciplinary Frameworks”
3.30-4.00: Tea/Coffee
Keynote: 4.00-5.30
Speaker: Helen Beetham (Independent Researcher and Writer)
Title: Critical/digital: teaching with, of and against technology.
Chair: Orla Murphy (UCC)
Wine Reception 5.30-7. Staff Restaurant.
Conference Dinner 8pm: La Dolce Vita.
DAY 2: 22nd June 2018
9.30-11.30. Panel 3: Developing Digital Competencies and Capacities in Social Policy Educators in Higher Educational Institutions.
Chair: Kathy O’Hare (UCC)
Speaker: Eileen Hogan (UCC)
Paper: “An Overview of SPEEDS”
Speaker: Becky Jeffers (UCC)
Paper: “The design thinking and technological development of the Spikey Profile Tool for social policy educators”
Speaker: Maeve Murphy (Carlow IT)
Paper: “’It’s a learning curve’: Developing digital competency in educators alongside appropriate use of technology for students.”
Speaker: Eileen Farrell (Carlow IT)
Paper: “Does anybody listen to me ? Using Audio feedback as a tool to take the emotion out of feedback for the lecturer and the assignment.”
11.30-11.45 Tea/Coffee
11.45-12.45 Workshop
Facilitator: Shannon Eichelberger and Eugene Eilcheberger (Wikimedia Ireland)
Title: “Wikipedia skills workshop for researchers and lecturers”
12.45-1.45 Lunch
1.45-2.45. Panel 4: Digital Wellbeing, Digital Autonomy
Chair: Justin Tonra (NUIG)
Speaker: Laura Daly (UCC)
Paper: “Digital Wellbeing: A review of the challenges facing computer-integrated learning”
Speaker: Eileen Hogan (UCC) and Rebecca Jeffers (UCC)
Paper: “An Examination of Social Policy Educators digital skills, capacities and attitudes in Ireland”
2.45-3.00. Tea/Coffee
3.00-5.00pm. panel 5: E-portfolios, Social Media, and Discussion Boards
Chair: Pedro Nilsson-Fernandez (UCC)
Speaker: Briony Supple (UCC)
Paper: “Building digital competency for academics: demonstrating impact and evidencing investigation through e-portfolios”
Speakers: Craig Neville and Laura Linares (UCC)
Paper: “Give us some Slack”: Creating dialogic, constructivist learning experiences outside the classroom using the social media platform, Slack.”
Speaker: Karolyn McDonnell (Carlow IT)
Paper: “Online Discussion Boards as Assessment in Social Care Education”
Speaker: Iris Van Vliet and Jasmijn Van Gorp (Utrecht University)
Paper: “The audiovisual research journal: a research and teaching method to enhance digital tool criticism and reflection”